Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Anwar Sadat

I've always wished to be thankful and faithful to the people who have been nice to me, and never let them alone in difficult life times.
I admire President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, a true man, a good model to follow.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Another Birth

My entire soul is a dark verse repeating you within itself carrying you to the dawn of eternal blossoming and growing up

In this verse, I sighed you, AH!

In this verse, I grafted you to trees, water and fire

Perhaps life is a long street a woman with a basket passes through every day

Perhaps life is a rope which a man hangs himself with from a branch

Perhaps life is a child returning home from school

Perhaps life is lighting a cigarette in the interval between two lovemakings

Perhaps life is dizzy passage of a passerby taking his hat off and saying good morning to another passerby with a vacant smile

Perhaps life is that blocked moment when my glance destroys itself in the pupils of your eyes
And in this there is a sense which I will mix with the perception of the moon and the reception of darkness

"Forough Farrokhzad"