“Iranians take pride in their pre-Islamic culture and their ancient civilization. The Islamic Government had tried during the past 30 years to subdue the importance of this great heritage. At the early years of the Islamic Republic, they even wanted to destroy Persepolis and any sign of praise for pre-Islamic Iran was condemned. Today, people once again emphasized on their old culture and their ancient glory. Many people carried placards with references to the glory and the humanity of Cyrus the Great, the Achmaneid King who redeemed the jews from Babylon and who is mentioned in the Old Testament. He is also famous for the first human rights charter in the history of mankind. His human rights charter guarantees freedom of religion, freedom of belief, freedom of speech for all the 25 nations in his vast empire considered to be the largest world empire ever. The national epic of Ferdowsi (Shahnameh) was also present with the stories of Kaveh and Fereidoun and their fight for freedom and justice which symbolises the conditions of today Iran. Samples included the statement narrated from Darius the Great which says: " May God protect this land from lie and draught and enemy". The fact that Ahmadinejad proved to be a liar made people so furious as lying is the ugliest moral vice in the Iranian culture.”
I copied the article above from the web page of French daily “Liberation” and enjoyed the realistic viewpoint. I tried to find the complete prayer of Darius the Great and here it is,
“The great ORMAZD, who is the greatest of gods, has instated DARIUS as a King; he has given to him the royalty. By the grace of ORMAZD, DARIUS is King.
DARIUS the King says: This Persian land, which ORMAZD granted to me, is noble, rich in horses and men. By the grace of ORMAZD and of me, King DARIUS, it does not fear from the other.
DARIUS the King says: May ORMAZD bring help to me, with all the gods. And may ORMAZD protect this land from devastation, from scarcity, from lie. May the Other not invade this country, nor devastation, nor scarcity, nor lie.
This is the prayer which I address to ORMAZD with all gods. This may ORMAZD grant to me with all gods”
ORMAZD or Ahura Mazda is a divinity in Zoroastrianism (the old Iranian religion). Darius the Great puts lie in a row with devastation by enemy and scarcity caused by drought!!!
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